
The research laboratory of the Department of Space and Applications, REMOSAT, was established in 2016. REMOSAT stands for Remote sEnsing and MOdeling of Surface and ATmosphere. Targeting international standards, REMOSAT is expected to make significant contributions to the advancement of research and applications related to climate modeling and remote sensing in Vietnam, as well as to the teaching and training programs at USTH.

The laboratory focuses on the 3 following axes:

  • Climate modeling and Earth observations,
  • Satellite technologies,
  • Astrophysics.

REMOSAT aims to evolve into a robust research lab with strong collaboration with French, international and Vietnamese colleagues. It will enhance its capabilities in preparation for the upcoming USTH Hoa Lac campus.

Picture of the High Performance Computer (HPC) of REMOSAT, installed at USTH


REMOSAT's Activities


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