
Weekly internal discussions of REMOSAT lab.

Date/ Presenters/ Topics




------------------------------------------------ 2024 ------------------------------------------------

* 22/8/2024:

  • Vrinda Sharma - PhD Student - Paris School of Economics, France
    • Current state of adaptation to salinity risk in the Mekong Delta

* 09/8/2024:

  • Bui Minh Tuan - HUS, VNU
    • Define onset period of summer monsoon by SOM
  • Trinh Tuan Long
    • Characteristics of rainfall distribution induced by tropical cyclones using GSMaP data

over the Vietnam region (

* 07/6/2024:

  • Mélanie Becker (CNRS) - La Rochelle Université, France. Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability. Littoral, ENvironment and Societies Lab.
    • An Overview of Asian Mega-Deltas. Forcing factors, Responses and Evolutions

* 24/5/2024:

  • Chau Thi Tuyet Trang - LSCE/CEA Saclay - IPSL - University of Paris Saclay, France. Department of Applied Mathematics, AGH - University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland
    • Data-driven estimation of global surface ocean carbon variables

* 26/4/2024:

  • Pham Duc Binh
    • Monitoring monthly variation of Tonle Sap Lake water volume using Sentinel-1 imagery and satellite altimetry data
    • Comparison of Synthetic Aperture Radar Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 observations for lake monitoring: Case study of Tri An Reservoir
  • Nguyen Quoc Son
    • Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Studying Water Quality

* 22/3/2024:

  • Bui Minh Tuan
    • Singular spectrum analysis – hidden treasure of time series forecasting
  • Nguyen Xuan Thanh
    • Potential of micro genetic algorithm (μ-GA) in climate modeling - Introduction and Ideas

------------------------------------------------ 2023 ------------------------------------------------

* 15/12/2023:

  • Bui Minh Tuan - Hanoi University of Science
    • The monsoon system: land-sea breeze or ITCZ
  • Pham Duc Binh
    • Mapping small burned area using very-high resolution planetscope satellite obervatios

* 17/11/2023:

  • Y Nhu
    • Streamflow variability in the Mekong river basin and their teleconnections

* 20/10/2023:

* 06/10/2023:

  • Nguyen Xuan Hau - Center for Earth Sciences, VNMN; Life Science Dept., NCKU, Taiwan
    • The potential temperature reconstruction in SEA using tree-ring oxygen isotope
  • Nguyen Quoc Son - WEO dept., USTH
    • Applying Machine learning algorithms in Environmental researches

* 22/9/2023:

  • Nguyen Van Duc - Researcher in VietNam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology & Climate Change (IMHEN)
    • A study on the Sudden Track Change of Typhoon near Vietnam's Coastal Region: The Case of Typhoon NARI (2013)
  • Nguyen Ngoc Minh Tam
    • Investigation on Triple Cyclone in 1964 Tropical Cyclone Season

* 08/9/2023:

  • Nguyen Van Duc - Researcher in VietNam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology & Climate Change (IMHEN)
    • Nghiên cứu sự kiện mưa lớn kỷ lục xảy ra từ ngày 8 - 11/12/2018 trên khu vực Trung Trung Bộ
  • Pham Thanh Ha - Lecturer in VNU University of Science
    • Khả năng dự báo sự thay đổi đột ngột của cường độ bão trên Biển Đông bằng phương pháp thống kê

* 25/8/2023:

  • Quentin Desmet
    • Configuring an air-sea coupled regional climate model in Southeast Asia
  • Nguyen Duy Tung
    • Increasing sequential tropical cyclone hazards along the US East and Gulf coasts and the possibility of applying a similar study in Vietnam

* 11/8/2023:

  • Nguyen Thi Thanh Hue
    • Heat flux over Southeast Asia estimated using CMIP6 dataset
  • Nino Carmignac - M1 Intership
    • Assessing the performance of ERA5 data in Southeast Asia
  • Mathis Guillemette - M1 Internship
    • Results from GSMap data process
  • Master intern - Louis Ramu, University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University, France
    • Report the work progress on the topic "Sensitivity of certain climate variables to physical parameterization schemes of a Regional Climate Model (RegCM) over Southeast Asia”

* 29/6/2023:

  • Mini workshop: Isotope hydrometeorology and Flood simulations
    • Guest Speaker: Prof. Kei Yoshimura and PhD student Cao Vu Quynh Anh - University of Tokyo

* 26/5/2023:

  • Mathis Guillmette - Intern from Aeronautique - ESTACA
    • Give a brief introduction on his study and school
  • Nguyen Ngoc Minh Tam
    • Give a progress report on her PhD study on indices evaluating the performance of reanalysis datasets on capturing extreme events

* 05/5/2023:

  • Juliette Cliquet - Intern from Paul Sabatier University
    • Report on her progress work on "Study of extreme temperature indices in Southeast Asia"
  • Nguyen Duy Tung
  • Tran Anh Quan
    • Present his study on "Modeling River Runoff and Inundation in Cau-Thuong-Luc Nam Rivers, Vietnam: A Probabilistic Approach"

* 27/4/2023:

  • Bastien Goulvestre - Intern from École de L'air et de L'espace, France
    • Keep reporting work progress "Study of extreme rainfall indices'''
  • Master intern - Louis Ramu, University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University, France
    • Report the work progress on the topic "Sensitivity of certain climate variables to physical parameterization schemes of a Regional Climate Model (RegCM) over Southeast Asia”
  • Ngo Duc Thanh
    • Review the paper "Performance ranking of CMIP6 global climate models over Vietnam" by Tung Nguyen-Duy and Thanh Ngo-Duc, submitted to Journal of Water and Climate Change (under review)

* 07/4/2023:

  • Juliette Cliquet - Intern from Paul Sabatier University
    • General Introduction
  • Louis Ramu and Bastien - Interns
    • Keep reporting their work progress'''
  • Nguyen Duy Tung

* 31/3/2023:

  • Vu Hong Nhung
    • Report on her PhD study progress with the topic "Assessing changes of heat stress in Southeast Asia and Vietnam in the context of climate change"
  • Nguyen Ngoc Minh Tam
    • Report on her PhD study progress with the topic "Historical extreme events in 20th century: Dataset"
  • Nguyen Thuy Huong - PhD student in Nara Women's University, Japan
    • Attribution of Punjab's crop residue burning to Delhi's air quality

* 17/03/2023:

  • Master intern - Louis Ramu, University of Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier University, France
    • Report the work progress on the topic "Sensitivity of certain climate variables to physical parameterization schemes of a Regional Climate Model (RegCM) over Southeast Asia”
  • Intern - Bastien, École de L'air et de L'espace, France
    • Report the work progress on the topic "Extreme rainfall indices using CMIP6 downscaled products"
  • Dzung Nguyen-Le
    • Present his paper "Climatology of the Global Summer Monsoon Rainy Seasons: Revisited from a High-Resolution Satellite Climate Data Record", submitted to Atmospheric Research, under minor revision

* 24/02/2023:

  • Bastien, École de L'air et de L'espace, France
    • Introduction on the school and the training to be a pilot
  • Trinh Tuan Long
    • Projection of Rainfall over Mekong basin based on downscaled CMIP6

* 17/02/2023:

  • Dariusz Ficek, Pomeranian University in Slupsk, Department of Environmental and Earth Sciences
    • Primary Production of the Baltic Sea
  • Nguyen Xuan Hau
    • Researcher in Center for Earth Sciences, VNMN, VAST
    • Postdoc in National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
      • Tree-ring oxygen isotope, a powerful tool to decipher the past Asian monsoon variability

* 10/02/2023:

  • Tong Si Son: Assessment of the potential for future deposition of tidal flats in the northern coast of Vietnam

* 07/02/2023:

  • Dr. Masato Nodzu, Tokyo Metropolitan University
    • GSMaP rainfall products in Vietnam
    • On-going JAXA PMM project
    • Inversion layers over the Indochina Peninsula
      • Nodzu, M. I., Ogino, S., Tachibana, Y., & Yamanaka, M. D. (2006). Climatological Description of Seasonal Variations in Lower-Tropospheric Temperature Inversion Layers over the Indochina Peninsula, Journal of Climate, 19(13), 3307-3319.
      • Nodzu, M. I., Ogino, S., & Matsumoto, J. (2018). Development and Decay Processes of Dual Inversion Layers in Winter over the Northwest Coast of the South China Sea, Journal of Climate, 31(3), 1245-1266.

* 03/02/2023:

  • Pham Duc Binh: Monitoring the water surface of Lake Chad: inter annual variability and trends

* 13/01/2023:

  • Nguyen Duy Tung
    • Introduce the book: How not to be wrong (written by Jordan Ellenberg)
  • Ngo Duc Thanh
    • Develop content and approaches of NAFOSTED project implementation

------------------------------------------------ 2022 ------------------------------------------------

* 23/12/2022:

* 16/12/2022:

  • Quentin
    • Review the paper "Ocean memory effect on the dynamics of coastal heavy precipitation preceded by a mistral event in the northwestern Mediterranean" published in Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS) (

* 09/12/2022:

  • Kieu Quoc Chanh - Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington
    • Formation of Global Tropical Cyclone Clusters

* 02/12/2022:

* 25/11/2022:

* 18/11/2022:

  • Le Hong Hanh
    • Introduction about Dynamical Research Empirical Atmospheric Model - DREAM
    • Rossby wave teleconnections to rainfall ISV over Vietnam: Observed composite and Global model study

* 31/10/2022:

  • Nguyen Le Dung
    • Teleconnection between two types of ENSO and Southeast Asian autumn rainfall
  • Nguyen Xuan Thanh
    • Summary and discussion of drought analysis using a 10-km resolution CMIP6-based projected climate datasets for Vietnam

* 30/9/2022:

  • Y Nhu
    • Brief introduction on major research topics and discussion on upcoming research
      • Hydrology and Climate change: Evaluate potential impacts of climate and land use changes on the hydrologic cycle
      • Hydrodynamic modeling: Develop computational tools taking advantage of flood extent derived from remote sensing imagery and high resolution DEM to estimate the flood hazard.
      • Flood risk: Propose methodologies to establish flood damage functions for agricultural crops using estimated inundation depth and flood disaster statistics
      • Grid precipitation products in hydrology: investigates the hydrological performance, evaluate the water balance components of these products
      • The mechanisms and driving variables of river mouth variability
      • Intra-annual and interannual variability of streamflow and the controlling factors, including climate variability and dams

* 23/9/2022:

  • Ngo Thi Thanh Huong
  • Nguyen Duy Tung

* 09/9/2022:

  • Quentin Desmet, PhD student at LEGOS and USTH
    • Improving the understanding of Southeast Asian climate, a regional coupled modeling approach
  • Minh Tam

* 26/8/2022:

  • Tanjila Akhter - Graduate Research Assistant, Michigan University
    • Multiscale Food, Energy an Water systems modelling lab
  • Tran Anh Quan
  • Nguyen Thi Tuyet

* 16/8/2022:

  • Doan Quang Van - Professor (Asst.), Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
    • General introduction on major research topics and discussion on future cooperation

* 05/8/2022:

  • Lam Sze Lok - Rachel (Invited On-site Speaker):
    • A brief summary of the study on "The diverse impacts of urban growth on human thermal comfort in the PRD and YRD region"
  • Yuwen Fan - Wendy (Invited Online Speaker):
    • A brief summary of the study on "Quantification of the effect of large-scale irrigation on regional climate in China"

* 22/7/2022:

  • Nguyen Duy Tung
    • Discuss the potential scientific journals that are suitable to submit in the future.
  • Trinh Tuan Long

* 08/7/2022:

* 01/7/2022:

  • Ngo Duc Thanh
    • Discuss the group's regulations and future project proposal

* 10/6/2022:

  • Ines Cuypers - PhD student in Geography, Lab IDEES UMR 6266 CNRS, University of Rouen Normandy, France
    • Adaptation of vulnerable communities to minor disasters: a comparative study in Vietnam for the risk of marine submersion
  • Tran Anh Quan
    • Updated temperature and precipitation changes in 6 economic regions of Vietnam under CMIP5-VN and CMIP6-VN dataset

* 03/6/2022:

  • Nguyen Xuan Thanh:
    • A brief introduction of Wavelet analysis and its potential applications in climate analysis.
  • Minh Tam:
    • Brief report on the Vietnamese Famine of At Dau investigation using 20th-century reanalysis data.

* 26/5/2022:

  • Nguyen Le Dung:
    • Café Scientifique No. 7: How could the weather pattern classification support the prediction of extreme rainfall events?

* 13/5/2022:

  • Nguyen Le Dung:
    • Statistical approach: SOM (self-organizing map)
    • NW simulation and prediction for extreme events: Seasonal transition of precipitation over the eastern Indochina Peninsula: Climatology and interannual variability
  • Vu Hong Nhung: Heat stress
    • Regional heat stress over Vietnam
    • Investigated the observed changes of heat stress

* 06/5/2022:

  • Nguyen Le Dung:
    • Climate modeling (Seasonal transition of precipitation over the eastern Indochina Peninsula: Climatology and interannual variability)
    • Climate analysis (based on historical data)

* 29/4/2022:

  • Nguyen Xuan Thanh:
    • Modeling Urbanization - A view from different aspects: review of studies related to urban modeling, building energy model (BEM), and the combined effects of global warming and urbanization.

* 15/4/2022:

  • Ngo Thi Thanh Huong:
    • Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services:
      • Benefits of impact warning service
      • Recommended elements in the development of impact forecast and warning services
      • Steps to develop Impact Based Alerting Service

* 08/4/2022:

  • Tran Anh Quan:
    • The newly developed high-resolution temperature and precipitation dataset for Vietnam using the BSCD method
    • Probabilistic projections for climate risk assessment for Vietnam


REMOSAT's Activities


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