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April 16, 2017, at 09:05 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 3-5 từ:
* [[#English | Peer review journals]]
* [[#Vietnamese |Vietnamese journals/reports]]
* [[Main/Conferenceand Workshop Presentations ]]
* [[#Vietnamese |
* [[Main/Conference
* [[#English | Peer review English journals]]
* [[#Vietnamese | Peer review Vietnamese journals/reports]]
* [[Main/Conference & Workshop Presentations ]]
* [[#Vietnamese | Peer review Vietnamese journals/reports]]
* [[Main/Conference & Workshop Presentations ]]
November 15, 2016, at 06:22 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 25 từ:
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc'''*, H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, ''SOLA'', 12, 291-294(TBA), doi:10.2151/sola.2016-057.
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc'''*, H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, ''SOLA'', 12, 291-296, doi:10.2151/sola.2016-057.
November 15, 2016, at 12:57 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 12 từ:
# Ngo-Thanh, H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Nguyen-Hong, P. Baker, T. Phan-Van: A distinction between rainy season and summer season over the Central Highlands of Vietnam, ''submitted''.
# Ngo-Thanh, H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Nguyen-Hong, P. Baker, T. Phan-Van: A distinction between rainy season and summer season over the Central Highlands of Vietnam, ''under revision'.
October 11, 2016, at 02:58 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 23 từ:
''(* corresponding author, if not first author)''
October 11, 2016, at 02:57 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 25 từ:
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc'''*, H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, ''SOLA'', accepted.
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc'''*, H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, ''SOLA'', 12, 291-294(TBA), doi:10.2151/sola.2016-057.
October 05, 2016, at 07:52 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 22 từ:
October 05, 2016, at 07:50 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 80 từ:
# Ngô Đức Thành et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
# '''Ngô Đức Thành''' et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
October 05, 2016, at 07:49 PM EST
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Đã xóa bỏ các dòng số 42-43:
Đã xóa bỏ dòng số 44:
Đã thêm các dòng số 76-77:
#'''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2014: Climate Change in the Coastal Regions of Vietnam. Book chapter in: Coastal disasters and climate change in Vietnam - Engineering and Planning Perspectives (edited by N.D. Thao, H.Takagi, and M. Esteban), Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 978-0-12-800007-6 (424pp), 175-198.
Đã xóa bỏ dòng số 90:
Đã thêm dòng số 92:
October 05, 2016, at 07:41 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 47-48 từ:
Đã thêm các dòng số 76-84:
# Mai Trọng Nhuận, Phan Văn Tân, Lê Quang Trí, Trương Việt Dũng, Đỗ Công Thung, Lê Văn Thăng, Trần Mạnh Liểu, Nguyễn Tiền Giang, Đỗ Minh Đức, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', Nguyễn Thị Thu Hà, Lê Anh Tuấn, Nguyễn Hiếu Trung, Trần Đăng Quy, Nguyễn Thị Khang, 2015: Sự thay đổi tác động của cực đoan khí hậu và thiên tai tới hệ sinh thái và hệ nhân sinh. Trong: Báo cáo đặc biệt của Việt Nam về Quản lý rủi ro thiên tai và hiện tượng cực đoan nhằm thúc đẩy thích ứng với biến đổi khí hậu [Trần Thục, Koos Neefjes, Tạ Thị Thanh Hương, Nguyễn Văn Thắng, Mai Trọng Nhuận, Lê Quang Trí, Lê Đình Thành, Huỳnh Thị Lan Hương, Võ Thanh Sơn, Nguyễn Thị Hiền Thuận, Lê Nguyên Tường], NXB Tài nguyên Môi trường và Bản đồ Việt Nam, Hà Nội, Việt Nam, trang 141-186. ISBN 978-604-904-623-0
# Ngô Đức Thành et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. ''SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report''. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
Đã xóa bỏ dòng số 89:
Đã thêm các dòng số 93-94:
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 103-106 từ:
# Ngô Đức Thành et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 132-134 từ:
# Shin-Ya Ogino, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', Hoàng Thị Thủy Hà, Nguyễn Thị Tân Thanh, 2010: Chương trình quan trắc ozone phân tầng SOWER/Pacific và một số kết quả nghiên cứu bước đầu ở Việt Nam. Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn, số 590, 49-53.
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
# Shin-Ya Ogino, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', Hoàng Thị Thủy Hà, Nguyễn Thị Tân Thanh, 2010: Chương trình quan trắc ozone phân tầng SOWER/Pacific và một số kết quả nghiên cứu bước đầu ở Việt Nam. Tạp chí Khí tượng Thủy văn, số 590, 49-53.
October 05, 2016, at 07:37 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 86 từ:
[[#Vietnamese]] '''Vietnamese'''
October 05, 2016, at 07:34 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 24-25 từ:
Đã xóa bỏ các dòng số 34-35:
October 05, 2016, at 07:33 PM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 24-25:
Đã thêm các dòng số 36-37:
October 05, 2016, at 07:32 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 22-27 từ:
[[#English]] '''Peer review papers'''
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''*', H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, SOLA, accepted.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian, 2016: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' International Journal of Climatology'', doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''
# '''
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc'''*, H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, ''SOLA'', accepted.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', F.T. Tangang, J. Santisirisomboon, F. Cruz, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Phan-Van, L. Juneng, G. Narisma, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' International Journal of Climatology'', doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc'''*, H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, ''SOLA'', accepted.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', F.T. Tangang, J. Santisirisomboon, F. Cruz, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Xuan, T. Phan-Van, L. Juneng, G. Narisma, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' International Journal of Climatology'', doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 34-41 từ:
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2015: Onset of the rainy seasons in the eastern Indochina Peninsula. Journal of Climate, 28 (14), 5645-5666. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00373.1
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models. Climate Research, 60, 199-213, doi:10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2). Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3), 367-375. doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models. Climate Research, 60, 199-213, doi:10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2). Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3), 367-375. doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2015: Onset of the rainy seasons in the eastern Indochina Peninsula. ''Journal of Climate'', 28 (14), 5645-5666. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00373.1
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models.'' Climate Research'', 60, 199-213, doi:10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2).'' Advances in Meteorology'', Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. ''Theoretical and Applied Climatology'', 118 (3), 367-375. doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models.'' Climate Research'', 60, 199-213, doi:10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2).'' Advances in Meteorology'', Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. ''Theoretical and Applied Climatology'', 118 (3), 367-375. doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 44-58 từ:
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' (2014), Climatological onset date of summer monsoon in Vietnam. Int. J. Climatol., 34: 3237–3250. doi: 10.1002/joc.3908.
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
# '''Ngo-Duc T.''', J. Matsumoto, H. Kamimera, and H.-H. Bui, 2013: Monthly adjustment of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over the VuGia–ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam using an artificial neural network. Hydrological Research Letters, 7(4), 85-90. doi:10.3178/hrl.7.85. [ [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/4/7_85/_pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 55-64, doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
#Nguyen-Thi H.A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: Long-Term Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Vietnam. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 6 (2), 89-92.
# Kieu, Chanh Q., Nguyen Minh Truong, Hoang Thi Mai, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', 2012: Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 1794–1810. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00020.1.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, Sains Malaysiana, 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. SOLA, '''8''', 041-044, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-011.
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
# '''Ngo-Duc T.''', J. Matsumoto, H. Kamimera, and H.-H. Bui, 2013: Monthly adjustment of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over the VuGia–ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam using an artificial neural network. Hydrological Research Letters, 7(4), 85-90. doi:10.3178/hrl.7.85. [ [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/4/7_85/_pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 55-64, doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
#Nguyen-Thi H.A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: Long-Term Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Vietnam. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 6 (2), 89-92.
# Kieu, Chanh Q., Nguyen Minh Truong, Hoang Thi Mai, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', 2012: Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 1794–1810. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00020.1.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, Sains Malaysiana, 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. SOLA, '''8''', 041-044, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-011.
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' (2014), Climatological onset date of summer monsoon in Vietnam. ''Int. J. Climatol.'', 34: 3237–3250. doi: 10.1002/joc.3908.
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. ''SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report''. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
# '''Ngo-Duc T.''', J. Matsumoto, H. Kamimera, and H.-H. Bui, 2013: Monthly adjustment of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over the VuGia–ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam using an artificial neural network. ''Hydrological Research Letters'', 7(4), 85-90. doi:10.3178/hrl.7.85. [ [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/4/7_85/_pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. ''Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics'', 122, 55-64, doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
#Nguyen-Thi H.A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: Long-Term Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Vietnam. ''Journal of Agroforestry and Environment'', 6 (2), 89-92.
# Kieu, Chanh Q., Nguyen Minh Truong, Hoang Thi Mai, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', 2012: Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. ''J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.'', 29, 1794–1810. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00020.1.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, ''Sains Malaysiana'', 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. ''SOLA'', '''8''', 041-044, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-011.
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. ''SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report''. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
# '''Ngo-Duc T.''', J. Matsumoto, H. Kamimera, and H.-H. Bui, 2013: Monthly adjustment of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over the VuGia–ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam using an artificial neural network. ''Hydrological Research Letters'', 7(4), 85-90. doi:10.3178/hrl.7.85. [ [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/4/7_85/_pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. ''Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics'', 122, 55-64, doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
#Nguyen-Thi H.A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: Long-Term Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Vietnam. ''Journal of Agroforestry and Environment'', 6 (2), 89-92.
# Kieu, Chanh Q., Nguyen Minh Truong, Hoang Thi Mai, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', 2012: Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. ''J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.'', 29, 1794–1810. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00020.1.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, ''Sains Malaysiana'', 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. ''SOLA'', '''8''', 041-044, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-011.
October 05, 2016, at 07:22 PM EST
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October 05, 2016, at 07:22 PM EST
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Đã xóa bỏ các dòng số 11-12:
Đã thêm các dòng số 23-24:
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''*', H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, SOLA, accepted.
September 27, 2016, at 12:40 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 21 từ:
# Phan Văn Tân, Phạm Thanh Hà, Nguyễn Đăng Quang, Nguyễn Văn Hiệp, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', Dave A. D’haeze, Đỗ Thành Chung, 2016: Sự biến đổi của ngày bắt đầu mùa mưa ở Tây nguyên và khả năng dự báo ''(Change in rainy season onset date in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and its predictability)'', Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Khoa học Tự Nhiên và Công nghệ (''VNU Journal of Science''), ''submitted''.
# Phan Văn Tân, Phạm Thanh Hà, Nguyễn Đăng Quang, Nguyễn Văn Hiệp, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', 2016: Sự biến đổi của ngày bắt đầu mùa mưa ở Tây nguyên và khả năng dự báo ''(Change in rainy season onset date in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and its predictability)'', Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Khoa học Tự Nhiên và Công nghệ (''VNU Journal of Science''), ''submitted''.
September 26, 2016, at 07:28 PM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 19-22:
# Phan Văn Tân, Phạm Thanh Hà, Nguyễn Đăng Quang, Nguyễn Văn Hiệp, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', Dave A. D’haeze, Đỗ Thành Chung, 2016: Sự biến đổi của ngày bắt đầu mùa mưa ở Tây nguyên và khả năng dự báo ''(Change in rainy season onset date in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and its predictability)'', Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN, Khoa học Tự Nhiên và Công nghệ (''VNU Journal of Science''), ''submitted''.
August 24, 2016, at 01:53 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 16-18 từ:
# Du-Duc, T., C. Kieu, '''T. Ngo-Duc''': Initializing the WRF Model with Tropical Cyclone Vital Record for Typhoon Forecasts based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithm, ''submitted''.
# Cruz, F. T., G. T. Narisma, J. B. Dado, P. Singhruck, U. A. Linarka, T. Wati, F. Tangang, L. Juneng, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of Temperature to Physical Parameterization Schemes of RegCM4 over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,''submitted''.
# Cruz, F. T., G. T. Narisma, J. B. Dado, P. Singhruck, U. A. Linarka, T. Wati, F. Tangang, L. Juneng, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of Temperature to Physical Parameterization Schemes of RegCM4 over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,''
# Du-Duc, T., C. Kieu, '''T. Ngo-Duc''': Initializing the WRF Model with Tropical Cyclone Vital Records based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithm for Real-Time Forecasts, ''submitted''.
# Cruz, F. T., G. T. Narisma, J. B. Dado, P. Singhruck, U. A. Linarka, T. Wati, F. Tangang, L. Juneng, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of Temperature to Physical Parameterization Schemes of RegCM4 over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' under revision''.
# Cruz, F. T., G. T. Narisma, J. B. Dado, P. Singhruck, U. A. Linarka, T. Wati, F. Tangang, L. Juneng, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of Temperature to Physical Parameterization Schemes of RegCM4 over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' under revision''.
August 23, 2016, at 04:40 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 10-12 từ:
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, '' submitted''.
# Phan-Van, T., T. Nguyen-Xuan, H.V. Nguyen, P. Laux, and T. Ngo-Duc, 2016: Application of the CFS-RegCM downscaling system for seasonal rainfall forecasts in Vietnam, ''submitted''.
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, '' under revision''.
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, '' under revision''.
August 05, 2016, at 08:36 PM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 80-81:
# Đinh Bá Duy, '''Ngô Đức Thành''', Nguyễn Thị Tuyết, Phạm Thanh Hà, Phan Văn Tân, 2016: Đặc điểm hoạt động của Xoáy thuận Nhiệt đới trên khu vực Tây Bắc Thái Bình Dương, Biển Đông và vùng trực tiếp chịu ảnh hưởng trên lãnh thổ Việt Nam giai đoạn 1978-2015. Tạp chí Khoa học ĐHQGHN: Các Khoa học Trái đất và Môi trường, 32(2), 1-11
July 20, 2016, at 05:51 PM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 9-10:
# Nguyen-Xuan, T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Kamimera, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Phan-Van, 2016: The Vietnam Gridded Precipitation (VnGP) Dataset: construction and validation, '' submitted''.
July 01, 2016, at 05:15 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 18 từ:
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' International Journal of Climatology'', doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian, 2016: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' International Journal of Climatology'', doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
June 29, 2016, at 01:41 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 18 từ:
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region, doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' International Journal of Climatology'', doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
June 29, 2016, at 01:38 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 18 từ:
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region, ''accepted''.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region, doi: 10.1002/joc.4803.
June 26, 2016, at 01:30 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 14-15 từ:
# Cruz, F. T., G. T. Narisma, J. B. Dado, P. Singhruck, U. A. Linarka, T. Wati, F. Tangang, L. Juneng, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of Temperature to Physical Parameterization Schemes of RegCM4 over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region,'' submitted''.
June 16, 2016, at 06:26 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 23 từ:
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, 69, 59-77. doi:10.3354/cr01386.
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. ''Climate Research'', 69, 59-77. doi:10.3354/cr01386.
June 16, 2016, at 06:26 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 21-23 từ:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh, 2016: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', 52(2), 91-106.
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, 69, 59-77, doi:10.3354/cr01386.
# Juneng, L
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh, 2016: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', 52(2), 91-106. doi: 10.1007/s13143-016-0011-2
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, 69, 59-77. doi:10.3354/cr01386.
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, 69, 59-77. doi:10.3354/cr01386.
June 16, 2016, at 06:13 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 23 từ:
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, doi:10.3354/cr01386.
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, 69, 59-77, doi:10.3354/cr01386.
May 30, 2016, at 06:12 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 21 từ:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh, 2016: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', ''in print''.
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh, 2016: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', 52(2), 91-106.
May 24, 2016, at 06:16 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 14-16 từ:
Đã thêm các dòng số 18-19:
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region, ''accepted''.
April 25, 2016, at 04:48 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thêm các dòng số 77-78:
# Dư Đức Tiến, Ngô Đức Thành, Kiều Quốc Chánh, Nguyễn Thu Hằng, 2016: Khảo sát sai số dự báo và kĩ năng dự báo quỹ đạo và cường độ bão của các trung tâm dự báo và các mô hình động lực trên khu vực biển Đông. Tạp chí Khí tượng thủy văn, tháng 1/2016, tr. 17-23.
March 29, 2016, at 07:28 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 23-32 từ:
# Park H., Y. Yoshikawa, K. Oshima, Y. Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. S. Kimball, D. Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2015: Onset of the rainy seasons in the eastern Indochina Peninsula. Journal of Climate, 28 (14), 5645-5666. http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00373.1
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models. Climate Research, 60, 199-213, doi:http://www.doi.org/10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2). Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3), 367-375. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T
# Phan
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3), 367-375. doi:
# Park H., Y. Yoshikawa, K. Oshima, Y. Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. S. Kimball, D. Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2015: Onset of the rainy seasons in the eastern Indochina Peninsula. Journal of Climate, 28 (14), 5645-5666. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00373.1
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models. Climate Research, 60, 199-213, doi:10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2). Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3), 367-375. doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
# Nguyen-Le, D., Matsumoto, J. and '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2015: Onset of the rainy seasons in the eastern Indochina Peninsula. Journal of Climate, 28 (14), 5645-5666. doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-14-00373.1
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''' , C. Kieu, M. Thatcher, D. Nguyen-Le, and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Climate projections for Vietnam based on regional climate models. Climate Research, 60, 199-213, doi:10.3354/cr01234. [ [[http://www.int-res.com/articles/cr_oa/c060p199.pdf| '''full text in PDF''']] ]
# Phan-Van, T., H. Nguyen-Van, L. Trinh-Tuan, T. Nguyen-Quang, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', P. Laux, and T. Nguyen-Xuan, 2014: Seasonal Prediction for Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model version 4.2 (RegCM4.2). Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 245104, 13 pages, doi:10.1155/2014/245104. [ [[http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/amete/2014/245104.pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Vu-Thanh H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and T. Phan-Van, 2014: Evolution of meteorological drought characteristics in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118 (3), 367-375. doi: 10.1007/s00704-013-1073-z,
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 39-42 từ:
# '''Ngo-Duc T.''', J. Matsumoto, H. Kamimera, and H.-H. Bui, 2013: Monthly adjustment of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over the VuGia–ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam using an artificial neural network. Hydrological Research Letters, 7(4), 85-90. http://dx.doi.org/10.3178/hrl.7.85. [ [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/4/7_85/_pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 55-64, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 55-64, doi:
# '''Ngo-Duc T.''', J. Matsumoto, H. Kamimera, and H.-H. Bui, 2013: Monthly adjustment of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over the VuGia–ThuBon River Basin in Central Vietnam using an artificial neural network. Hydrological Research Letters, 7(4), 85-90. doi:10.3178/hrl.7.85. [ [[https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/hrl/7/4/7_85/_pdf | '''full text in PDF''' ]] ]
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 55-64, doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
# Du D.T., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', M. Hoang-Thi, and C. Kieu, 2013: A Study of Connection between Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Errors in the WRF Model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 122, 55-64, doi: 10.1007/s00703-013-0278-0.
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 45-52 từ:
# Kieu, Chanh Q., Nguyen Minh Truong, Hoang Thi Mai, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', 2012: Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 1794–1810. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00020.1.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, Sains Malaysiana, 41(11), 1325-1334.[ [[http://journalarticle.ukm.my/5569/ | LINK]] ]
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. SOLA, '''8''', 041-044, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2151/sola.2012-011.
# Pappenberger, F., H. Cloke, G. Balsamo, '''T. Ngo-Duc''' , and T. Oki, 2010: Global runoff routing with the hydrological component of the ECMWF NWP system, ''International Journal of Climatology'', '''30''', 2155–2174, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/joc.2028.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, Sains Malaysiana, 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen
# Pappenberger
# Kieu, Chanh Q., Nguyen Minh Truong, Hoang Thi Mai, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', 2012: Sensitivity of the Track and Intensity Forecasts of Typhoon Megi (2010) to Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors with the Ensemble Kalman Filter. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 29, 1794–1810. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00020.1.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, Sains Malaysiana, 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. SOLA, '''8''', 041-044, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-011.
# Pappenberger, F., H. Cloke, G. Balsamo, '''T. Ngo-Duc''' , and T. Oki, 2010: Global runoff routing with the hydrological component of the ECMWF NWP system, ''International Journal of Climatology'', '''30''', 2155–2174, doi: 10.1002/joc.2028.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Q.T. Nguyen, T.L. Trinh, T.H. Vu, V.T. Phan, and V.C. Pham, 2012: Near future climate projections over the Red River Delta of Vietnam using the Regional Climate Model Version 3, Sains Malaysiana, 41(11), 1325-1334.
# Nguyen-Thi, H. A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: A Climatological Study of Tropical Cyclone Rainfall in Vietnam. SOLA, '''8''', 041-044, doi: 10.2151/sola.2012-011.
# Pappenberger, F., H. Cloke, G. Balsamo, '''T. Ngo-Duc''' , and T. Oki, 2010: Global runoff routing with the hydrological component of the ECMWF NWP system, ''International Journal of Climatology'', '''30''', 2155–2174, doi: 10.1002/joc.2028.
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 55-60 từ:
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', T. Oki, S. Kanae, 2007: A variable stream flow velocity method for global river routing model: Model description and preliminary results, ''Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions'', 4, 4389-4414. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/hessd-4-4389-2007
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, G. Ramillien, J. Polcher, and A. Cazenave, 2007:Validation of the land water storage simulated by Organising Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data. ''Water Resources Research'', '''43''', W04427, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2006WR004941.
# Ramillien, G., F. Frappart, A. Gu"ntner, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', A. Cazenave, and K. Laval, 2006: Time variations of the regional evapotranspiration rate from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) satellite gravimetry.''Water Resources Research'', '''42''', W10403, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2005WR004331.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, G. Ramillien, J. Polcher, and A. Cazenave, 2007:Validation of the land water storage simulated by Organising Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data. ''Water Resources Research'', '''43''', W04427, doi:
# Ramillien
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', T. Oki, S. Kanae, 2007: A variable stream flow velocity method for global river routing model: Model description and preliminary results, ''Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions'', 4, 4389-4414. doi:10.5194/hessd-4-4389-2007
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, G. Ramillien, J. Polcher, and A. Cazenave, 2007:Validation of the land water storage simulated by Organising Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data. ''Water Resources Research'', '''43''', W04427, doi:10.1029/2006WR004941.
# Ramillien, G., F. Frappart, A. Gu"ntner, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', A. Cazenave, and K. Laval, 2006: Time variations of the regional evapotranspiration rate from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) satellite gravimetry.''Water Resources Research'', '''42''', W10403, doi:10.1029/2005WR004331.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, G. Ramillien, J. Polcher, and A. Cazenave, 2007:Validation of the land water storage simulated by Organising Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems (ORCHIDEE) with Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data. ''Water Resources Research'', '''43''', W04427, doi:10.1029/2006WR004941.
# Ramillien, G., F. Frappart, A. Gu"ntner, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', A. Cazenave, and K. Laval, 2006: Time variations of the regional evapotranspiration rate from Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment(GRACE) satellite gravimetry.''Water Resources Research'', '''42''', W10403, doi:10.1029/2005WR004331.
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 63-65 từ:
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', J. Polcher and K. Laval, 2005: A 53-year forcing data set for land surface models,''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''110''', D06116, doi:htpp://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004JD005434. Click %newwin%[[http://meteo.edu.vn/~thanhnd/NCC/|here]] to download the data [about 147 GB]
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, J. Polcher and A. Cazenave, 2005: Contribution of continental water to sea level variations during the 19971998 El NiNo Southern Oscillation event: Comparison between Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite data.''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''110''', D09103, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2004JD004940.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, J. Polcher and A. Cazenave, 2005: Contribution of continental water to sea level variations during the 19971998 El NiNo Southern Oscillation event: Comparison between Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite data.''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''110''', D09103, doi:
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', J. Polcher and K. Laval, 2005: A 53-year forcing data set for land surface models,''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''110''', D06116, doi:10.1029/2004JD005434. Click %newwin%[[http://meteo.edu.vn/~thanhnd/NCC/|here]] to download the data [about 147 GB]
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, J. Polcher and A. Cazenave, 2005: Contribution of continental water to sea level variations during the 19971998 El NiNo Southern Oscillation event: Comparison between Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite data.''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''110''', D09103, doi:10.1029/2004JD004940.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', K. Laval, J. Polcher and A. Cazenave, 2005: Contribution of continental water to sea level variations during the 19971998 El NiNo Southern Oscillation event: Comparison between Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project simulations and TOPEX/Poseidon satellite data.''Journal of Geophysical Research'', '''110''', D09103, doi:10.1029/2004JD004940.
March 29, 2016, at 07:25 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 43 từ:
#Nguyen-Thi H.A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: Long-Term Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Vietnam. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 6 (2), 89-92. (ISSN 1995-6983). [ [[http://http://www.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/brahmaputra/data/JAEpdf/19.%20Anh.pdf | PDF]] ]
#Nguyen-Thi H.A., J. Matsumoto, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', and N. Endo, 2012: Long-Term Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall over Vietnam. Journal of Agroforestry and Environment, 6 (2), 89-92.
March 29, 2016, at 07:20 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 76 từ:
[[#Vietnamese]] '''Vietnamese journals/reports'''
[[#Vietnamese]] '''Vietnamese'''
March 29, 2016, at 07:19 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 17 từ:
[[#English]] '''Peer review journals'''
[[#English]] '''Peer review papers'''
March 21, 2016, at 07:45 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 21 từ:
# Lieu J., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, doi:10.3354/cr01386.
# Juneng, L., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, doi:10.3354/cr01386.
March 21, 2016, at 07:22 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 8 từ:
[[#English]] '''Submitted papers'''
[[#English]] '''Submitted'''
March 20, 2016, at 05:20 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 19 từ:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', ''accepted''.
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh, 2016: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', ''in print''.
March 20, 2016, at 04:39 AM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 21 từ:
# Lieu J., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. ''Climate Research'', ''accepted''.
# Lieu J., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. Climate Research, doi:10.3354/cr01386.
March 19, 2016, at 11:43 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 5 từ:
* [[Main/Conference and Workshop Presentations ]]\\
* [[Main/Conference and Workshop Presentations ]]
March 19, 2016, at 11:42 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 6-8 từ:
[[Main/Conference and Workshop Presentations ]]\\
[[Main/Some reports in French ]]\\
[[Main/Some reports in French ]]\\
* [[Main/Conference and Workshop Presentations ]]\\
* [[Main/Some reports in French ]]\\
* [[Main/Some reports in French ]]\\
March 19, 2016, at 11:42 PM EST
Tác giả: -
March 19, 2016, at 11:41 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 5-6 từ:
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 116-119 từ:
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
March 19, 2016, at 11:40 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã xóa bỏ dòng số 4:
Đã thêm các dòng số 40-41:
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 70-78 từ:
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2005: Modélisation des bilans hydrologiques continentaux: variabilité interannuelle et tendances. Comparaison aux observations (English title: Modelling the continental hydrologic cycle: interannual variability and trends; comparison with observations). PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI. 158 pp. \\
%newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these_resume.html| [Résumé-Summary]]] %newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these.pdf| [PDF]]]\\
''Silver medal of the Academy of Agriculture of France, Oct 2006 ''\\
''Prize Nathalie DEMASSIEUX from the Chancellery of the Univerisities of Paris, Dec 2006 ''
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Polcher, J., Laval, K., 2004: NCC, 53-ans de forcage atmosphérique pour les modèles de surface. %newwin%[[http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ-info/|LMDZ-Info]], numéro 5, 11-12. ''(in french)''
%newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these_resume.html| [Résumé-Summary]]] %newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these.pdf| [PDF]]]\\
''Silver medal of the Academy of Agriculture of France, Oct 2006 ''\\
''Prize Nathalie DEMASSIEUX from the Chancellery of the Univerisities of Paris, Dec 2006 ''
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Polcher, J., Laval, K., 2004: NCC, 53-ans de forcage atmosphérique pour les modèles de surface. %newwin%[[http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ-info/|LMDZ-Info]], numéro 5, 11-12. ''(in french)''
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 119-132 từ:
# Ngo-Duc, T., 2014: Climate Change in the Coastal Regions of Vietnam. Book chapter in: Coastal disasters and climate change in Vietnam - Engineering and Planning Perspectives (edited by N.D. Thao, H.Takagi, and M. Esteban), Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 978-0-12-800007-6 (424pp), 175-198.
[[#Reports]] '''Reports/Others'''
# Raizan Rahmat, Boonlert Archevarahuprok, Chai Ping Kang, Chung Jing Xiang, David Hein, Dodo Gunawan, Erasmo Buonomo, Grace Redmond, Haji Sidup Haji Sirabaha, Han Swe, Itesh Dash, Jacqueline Lim See Yee, Jose Rizal, Kornrawee Sitthichivapak, Kumarenthiran Subramaniam, Lalit Dagar, Liew Ju Neng, Ling Leong Kwok, Lyhon Ho, Mai Van Khiem, Matt Palmer, Monichoth So Im, Muhammad Yunus Ahmad Mazuki, Ngai Sheau Tieh, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Saiful Azmi bin Haji Husain, Shamsuddin Shahid, Simon Tucker, Srivatsan V., Suppakorn Chinvanno, Thelma Acebes Cinco, Thuy Tran Thanh, Vo Van Hoa, and Wittyi Soe, 2014: A Regional Climate Modelling Experiment for Southeast Asia. SEACAM (Southeast Asia Climate Analysis and Modelling) project's final report. Centre for Climate Research in Singapore & Hadley Centre. 128 pp.
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2005: Modélisation des bilans hydrologiques continentaux: variabilité interannuelle et tendances. Comparaison aux observations (English title: Modelling the continental hydrologic cycle: interannual variability and trends; comparison with observations). PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI. 158 pp. \\
%newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these_resume.html| [Résumé-Summary]]] %newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these.pdf| [PDF]]]\\
''Silver medal of the Academy of Agriculture of France, Oct 2006 ''\\
''Prize Nathalie DEMASSIEUX from the Chancellery of the Univerisities of Paris, Dec 2006 ''
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Polcher, J., Laval, K., 2004: NCC, 53-ans de forcage atmosphérique pour les modèles de surface. %newwin%[[http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ-info/|LMDZ-Info]], numéro 5, 11-12. ''(in french)''
March 19, 2016, at 11:37 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thêm các dòng số 36-37:
#'''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2014: Climate Change in the Coastal Regions of Vietnam. Book chapter in: Coastal disasters and climate change in Vietnam - Engineering and Planning Perspectives (edited by N.D. Thao, H.Takagi, and M. Esteban), Elsevier, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN: 978-0-12-800007-6 (424pp), 175-198.
March 19, 2016, at 11:37 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 7-8 từ:
Đã thay đổi dòng số 121 từ:
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Polcher, J., Laval, K., 2004: NCC, 53-ans de forcage atmosphérique pour les modèles de surface. %newwin%[[http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ-info/|LMDZ-Info]], numéro 5, 11-12. ''(in french)''
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Polcher, J., Laval, K., 2004: NCC, 53-ans de forcage atmosphérique pour les modèles de surface. %newwin%[[http://www.lmd.jussieu.fr/LMDZ-info/|LMDZ-Info]], numéro 5, 11-12. ''(in french)''
March 19, 2016, at 11:36 PM EST
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Đã xóa bỏ các dòng số 122-186:
[[#Proceedings]] '''Proceedings'''
# Ngô Thị Thanh Hương, Ngô Đức Thành, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh, 2015: Phân tích đặc điểm mùa mưa và mùa gió mùa trên khu vực Tây Nguyên và khả năng dự báo. Hội thảo Khoa học Khí tượng Cao không lần thứ VIII. 389-394.
# Hideyuki Kamimera, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Le Viet Xe, Jun Matsumoto, and Yoichi Iwami, 2015: Rain-gauge, Radar and Satellite Rainfall Intercomparison in Central Vietnam. The Fourth International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region. March 10-12, 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam, 43-46.
# Huong Ho-Xuan, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Hi-Ryong Byun, 2015: Quantification of drought characteristics in the context of Climate Change in Yen Chau district, Son La, Vietnam. The Fourth International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region. March 10-12, 2015, Hanoi, Vietnam, 47-51.
# Phan V. T., Fink A. H., Ngo-Duc T., Trinh T. L., Pinto J. G., van der Linden R., and Schubert D., 2014: Observed climate variations and change in Vietnam. In: Meon, G., Pätsch M., Phuoc N.V., Quan N.H. (eds.) (2014): EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for Environmental and Water Protection of Coastal Zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th International Conference for Environment and National Resources, ICENR 2014. Cuvillier, Göttingen, Germany. ISSN: 2363. ISBN: 978-3-95404-852-6, p. 20-34.
# Fink A. H., Phan V. T., Pinto J. G., van der Linden R., Schubert D., Trinh T. L., and Ngo-Duc T.,2014: Climate change projections and selected impacts for Vietnam. In: Meon, G., Pätsch M., Phuoc N.V., Quan N.H. (eds.) (2014): EWATEC-COAST: Technologies for Environmental and Water Protection of Coastal Zones in Vietnam. Contributions to 4th International Conference for Environment and National Resources, ICENR 2014. Cuvillier, Göttingen, Germany, ISSN: 2363. ISBN: 978-3-95404-852-6, p.35-56.
# Hang Vu-Thanh, Thanh Ngo-Duc, and Tan Phan-Van, 2013: An analysis of meteorological drought features in Vietnam during the 1961-2007 period. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 117-124.
# Quoc Phung-Kien, Thanh Ngo-Duc, and Hai Bui-Manh, 2013: Building criteria for rainfall determination by using Tam Ky weather radar data. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 63-71.
# Hoang Anh Nguyen-Thi, Jun Matsumoto, Thanh Ngo-Duc, and Nobuhiko Endo, 2013: An insight view of the tropical cyclone-induced rainfall in Central Vietnam. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 135-144.
# Huong Ngo-Thi-Thanh, Hue Nguyen-Thi-Thanh, Hang Vu-Thanh, Thanh Ngo-Duc, 2013: A study on rainy season onset dates over Vietnam for the period 1951-2007 using the APHRODITE data. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 201-208.
# Quan Le-Nhu, Tan Phan-Van, Trung Nguyen-Quang, Thanh Ngo-Duc, 2013: Trends in extreme rainfall events over Vietnam: Historical data and model verification. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 209-216.
# Thanh Ngo-Duc, Jun Matsumoto, and Hideyuki Kamimera, 2013: Validation and Application of the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) data over Vietnam. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 225-234.
# Tan Phan-Van, Trung Nguyen-Quang, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Ngo-Duc, and Hiep Van-Nguyen, 2013: Seasonal Prediction of Summer near-surface air temperature for Vietnam using RegCM4.2. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 281-292.
# Trung Nguyen-Quang, Tan Phan-Van, Long Trinh-Tuan, Hanh Nguyen-Thi, and Thanh Ngo-Duc, 2013: Seasonal forecast of hot days using RegCM. The 3rd International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 28-30, 2013, Da Nang, Vietnam. 223-235.
# Thanh Ngo-Duc, Huong Ngo-Thi-Thanh, Hue Nguyen-Thanh, Trung Nguyen-Quang: Summer monsoon onset over Vietnam for the period of 1961-2000 using Reg CM 4.2. The Second International Workshop of Climatic Changes and Their Effects on Agriculture in Asian Monsoon Region. March 4-6, 2013, Baguoi, Philippines. 21-24.
# Thanh Ngo-Duc, Tan Phan-Van, 2012: Seasonal precipitation trend in Vietnam in the past and its projection into the future. The 10th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment. Nov 8-10, 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam, 93-98.
# Trang Dinh-Minh, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Tan Phan-Van, 2011: Investigating Changes in near future temperature and precipitation in Central VietNam using multi-model simulations. The 3rd International Winter School and Workshop on Climate /Environment Change. December 20-23, 2011, Seoul, '''Korea'''. 46-49.
# Phan Văn Tân, Ngô Đức Thành, 2011: Xây dựng kịch bản Biến đổi khí hậu chi tiết cho khu vực Trung Trung Bộ. Hội thảo Tác động của Biến đổi Khí hậu đối với sản xuất nông nghiệp tỉnh Quảng Trị, 04/11/2011, Đông Hà, Việt Nam. 25-45.
# Bin He, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Han Xue, Kaoru Takara, Kenichiro Kobayashi, Yosuke Yamashiki, 2011: Projection of fine resolution daily precipitation and air temperature in Vietnam using climate change scenarios from GCMs. The IHP Symposium on Extreme Events "Meteorological, Hydrological and Tsunami Disasters: Social Adaptation and Future" (EXTREME2011), October 24-28, 2011, Kyoto, '''Japan'''. 135-144.
# Phan Van Tan, Nguyen Quang Trung, Ngo Duc Thanh, Le Nhu Quan, 2011: On the seasonal prediction of surface climate over Vietnam using Regional Climate Model (RegCM3). The Second International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 22-24, 2011, Nha Trang, Vietnam. 97-106.
# Thanh Ngo-Duc, Phan Văn Tân, Masahiro HOSAKA, Nguyễn Quang Trung, Lương Mạnh Thắng, Kiều Quốc Chánh, 2011: Evaluating performance of different regional simulations in present day climate and combining near future multi-model projections over Central Vietnam. The Second International MAHASRI / HyARC workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle, August 22-24, 2011, Nha Trang, Vietnam. 363-373.
# Ngô Đức Thành, Hideyuki Kamimera, 2010: Khảo sát sơ bộ vị trí lắp đặt trạm ra đa thời tiết sử dụng bản đồ độ cao địa hình số. Tuyển tập Hội thảo Khoa học Khí tượng Cao không lần thứ VII, tháng 12, 2010. Hà Nội, Việt Nam. 69-76.
# Ronchail J., '''Ngo-Duc T.''', Gertirana A., Guyot Jean-Loup, Drapeau G., 2010: Fichiers de pluie et modélisation hydrologique : applications en Amazonie. In : Dubreuil V. (ed.), Planchon O. (ed.), Quenol H. (ed.), Bonnardot V. (ed.) Risques et changement climatique. Rennes (FRA) ; Paris : COSTEL; AIC, 2010, ISBN: 978-2-907696-16-6, p. 529-534.
# Thanh NGO-DUC, Taikan OKI, Tuan DAO ANH, Tan Thanh NGUYEN-THI, 2009: Severe floods in Central Vietnam simulated by the WRF-TRIP coupling system. MAHASRI / HyARC workshop, March 5-7, 2009, Danang, Vietnam. 53-61.
# Van-Tan PHAN, Thanh NGO-DUC,Thi-Minh-Ha HO, 2009: Seasonal and inter-annual variations of surface climate elements over Vietnam. MAHASRI-HYARC workshop, March 5-7, 2009, Danang, Vietnam. 97-109.
# Bin HE, Taikan OKI, Shinjiro KANAE, Thanh NGO-DUC, Ken KODAMA, Hyungjun KIM, 2008: Integrated biogeochemical modeling of nitrogen load in East Asia by using TNCM and TRIP. Annual Conference of JSHWR (The Japanese Society of Hydrology and Water Resources), Tokyo, August 26-28, Japan. Proceeding of Annual Conference, Vol. 21 (2008), P204-205.
# Bin HE, Taikan OKI, Shinjiro KANAE, Hyungjun KIM, Thanh NGO-DUC, 2008: Assessment of nitrogen pollution load from agricultural sources in East Asia by an integrated biogeochemical modeling approach. International Workshop on Water Quality Management in Agriculture, Beijing, October 28-30, China. CDroom-proceedings [6 pp.].
# Taikan Oki, Kei Yoshimura, Hyungjun Kim, Yanjun Shen, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Shinta Seto and Shinjiro Kanae: Global Hydrological Cycles Estimated by Reanalysis Products (invited talk). The third WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis, January 28th - February 1st 2008, Tokyo, Japan. (6 pp.)
# T. Ngo-Duc, T. Oki, S. Kanae: A velocity method for global river routing scheme. Workshop: Hydrologic Prediction: Modelling, Observation and Data Assimilation. University of Melbourne, January 9-11, 2008, Australia. (3 pp.)
# Oki Taikan, Kei Yoshimura, Hyungjun Kim, Yanjun Shen, Thanh Ngo-Duc, Shinta Seto, Shinjiro Kanae, 2007: Uncertainties in estimating total terrestrial water storage in major river basins in the world. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG-XXIV). July 2-13, 2007, Perugia, Italy. HW2004-4651. ISBN : 978-88-95852-25-4
# T. Ngo-Duc, T. Oki, S. Kanae, 2006: Towards a real-time flood forecast system for the mainland Southest Asia. Asian Monsoon Workshop, August 18-20, Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. 188-194.
# Laval, K., T. Ngo-Duc, J. Polcher, 2006: Variations of the Mekong discharge over the half past century. International Conference on Forest Environment in continental river basins; with a focus on the Mekong River, December 5-7, 2005, Phnom Penh,Cambodia. p.3-4. ISBN 4902606097, 9784902606096. Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, 2006.
March 17, 2016, at 06:08 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 69-70 từ:
[[#Vietnamese]] '''Vietnamese journals'''
[[#Vietnamese]] '''Vietnamese journals/reports'''
Đã thêm các dòng số 107-108:
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
Đã xóa bỏ dòng số 120:
March 17, 2016, at 06:07 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 4 từ:
* [[#Vietnamese | Vietnamese journals]]
* [[#Vietnamese | Vietnamese journals/reports]]
March 17, 2016, at 06:03 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 3 từ:
* [[#English | English journals]]
* [[#English | Peer review journals]]
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 22-23 từ:
[[#English]] '''English journals'''
[[#English]] '''Peer review journals'''
Đã xóa bỏ các dòng số 61-65:
%newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these_resume.html| [Résumé-Summary]]] %newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these.pdf| [PDF]]]\\
''Silver medal of the Academy of Agriculture of France, Oct 2006 ''\\
''Prize Nathalie DEMASSIEUX from the Chancellery of the Univerisities of Paris, Dec 2006 ''
Đã thêm các dòng số 75-76:
# Ngô Đức Thành et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
Đã thêm các dòng số 114-120:
# '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', 2005: Modélisation des bilans hydrologiques continentaux: variabilité interannuelle et tendances. Comparaison aux observations (English title: Modelling the continental hydrologic cycle: interannual variability and trends; comparison with observations). PhD Thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI. 158 pp. \\
%newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these_resume.html| [Résumé-Summary]]] %newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these.pdf| [PDF]]]\\
''Silver medal of the Academy of Agriculture of France, Oct 2006 ''\\
''Prize Nathalie DEMASSIEUX from the Chancellery of the Univerisities of Paris, Dec 2006 ''
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
%newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these_resume.html| [Résumé-Summary]]] %newwin%[[http://thanh.ngoduc.free.fr/Reports/2005_these.pdf| [PDF]]]\\
''Silver medal of the Academy of Agriculture of France, Oct 2006 ''\\
''Prize Nathalie DEMASSIEUX from the Chancellery of the Univerisities of Paris, Dec 2006 ''
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
Đã xóa bỏ các dòng số 122-124:
# Ngô Đức Thành et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
March 16, 2016, at 09:34 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 24 từ:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', ''accepted'.'
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', ''accepted''.
March 16, 2016, at 09:34 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 24 từ:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''accepted'.'
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''APJAS'', ''accepted'.'
March 16, 2016, at 09:33 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 21-23 từ:
Đã thêm các dòng số 23-25:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''accepted'.'
March 15, 2016, at 10:36 PM EST
Tác giả: -
Đã thay đổi dòng số 118 từ:
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]
# Do, V.C, '''Ngo-Duc, T.''', Hoang, T.M.T, Nguyen, T.H.L., Vu, T.A.T., Nguyen, T.H.A, and Duong, N.C., 2005: Động đất Sumatra và Sóng thần Ấn Độ Dương 26/12/2004 (The Sumatra earthquakes and the Indian Ocean Tsunami, 26/12/2004) (ebook). %newwin%[[http://hydro.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~thanh/Reports/2005_tsunami_full.pdf|[PDF file]]]. 81pp. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1048.2327
March 15, 2016, at 10:23 PM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 119-120:
# Ngô Đức Thành et al., 2014: Báo cáo tổng hợp Đề tài Cấp Nhà Nước: "Nghiên cứu xây dựng hệ thống đồng hóa tổ hợp cho mô hình thời tiết và hệ thống tổ hợp cho một số mô hình khí hậu khu vực nhằm dự báo và dự tính các hiện tượng thời tiết, khí hậu cực đoan". 2011-2014. MS: ĐT.NCCB-ĐHUD. 2011-G/10. 307pp. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1474.2162 .
March 15, 2016, at 04:30 AM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 14-16:
# Ngo-Thanh, H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Nguyen-Hong, P. Baker, T. Phan-Van: A distinction between rainy season and summer season over the Central Highlands of Vietnam, ''submitted''.
March 03, 2016, at 03:10 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 14-18 từ:
# Du-Duc, T., C. Kieu, '''T. Ngo-Duc''': Initializing the WRF Model with Tropical Cyclone Vital Record for Typhoon Forecasts based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithm. Monthly Weather Review, ''submitted''.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region. ''International Journal of Climatology'', ''under revision''.
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations. ''Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences'', "under revision".
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region
# Katzfey
# Du-Duc, T., C. Kieu, '''T. Ngo-Duc''': Initializing the WRF Model with Tropical Cyclone Vital Record for Typhoon Forecasts based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithm, ''submitted''.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region, ''under revision''.
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''under revision.''
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region, ''under revision''.
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations, ''under revision.''
March 03, 2016, at 02:51 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 22-24 từ:
# Liew Juneng, Fredolin Tangang, Jing Xiang Chung, Sheau Tieh Ngai, Tze Wei The, Gemma Narisma, Faye Cruz, Tan Phan-Van, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. ''Climate Research'', ''accepted''.
#Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
# Lieu J., F. Tangang, J. X. Chung, S. T. Ngai, T. W. The, G. Narisma, F. Cruz, T. Phan-Van, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. Santisirisomboon, P. Singhruck, D. Gunawan, E. Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. ''Climate Research'', ''accepted''.
# Park H., Y. Yoshikawa, K. Oshima, Y. Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. S. Kimball, D. Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
# Park H., Y. Yoshikawa, K. Oshima, Y. Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', J. S. Kimball, D. Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
March 03, 2016, at 02:49 AM EST
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Đã thêm dòng số 14:
# Du-Duc, T., C. Kieu, '''T. Ngo-Duc''': Initializing the WRF Model with Tropical Cyclone Vital Record for Typhoon Forecasts based on the Ensemble Kalman Filter Algorithm. Monthly Weather Review, ''submitted''.
March 03, 2016, at 02:45 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 16 từ:
Đã thay đổi các dòng số 21-22 từ:
# Liew Juneng, Fredolin Tangang, Jing Xiang Chung, Sheau Tieh Ngai, Tze Wei The, Gemma Narisma, Faye Cruz, Tan Phan-Van, '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian, 2016: Sensitivity of the Southeast Asia Rainfall Simulations to Cumulus and Ocean Flux Parameterization in RegCM4. ''Climate Research'', ''accepted''.
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang, 2016: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
February 26, 2016, at 06:52 PM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 22 từ:
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', 29 (5), 1733-1754, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
February 23, 2016, at 12:23 AM EST
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January 14, 2016, at 12:16 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi các dòng số 17-18 từ:
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations. ''Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences'', submitted.
# Ngo-Thanh, H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Nguyen-Hong, P. Baker, T. Phan-Van: Evaluating rainfall characteristics over the Central Highland region of Vietnam. ''International Journal of Climatology'', submitted.
# Ngo-Thanh, H., '''T. Ngo-Duc''', H. Nguyen-Hong, P. Baker, T. Phan-Van: Evaluating rainfall characteristics over the Central Highland region of Vietnam. ''International Journal of Climatology'', submitted.
# Katzfey, J, K. Nguyen, J. McGregor, P. Hoffmann, S. Ramasamy, H.V. Nguyen, V.K. Mai, V.T. Nguyen, B.K. Truong, V.T. Vu, H.T. Nguyen, V.T. Phan, Q.T. Nguyen, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', T.L. Trinh: High-resolution projections for Vietnam – Methodology and evaluation of current climate simulations. ''Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences'', "under revision".
January 07, 2016, at 01:10 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 22 từ:
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', ''accepted.''
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0569.1
January 07, 2016, at 01:09 AM EST
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Đã thay đổi dòng số 15 từ:
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region. ''International Journal of Climatology'', ''submitted''.
# '''Thanh Ngo-Duc''', Fredolin T. Tangang, Jerasorn Santisirisomboon, Faye Cruz, Long Trinh-Tuan, Thanh Nguyen-Xuan, Tan Phan-Van, Liew Juneng, Gemma Narisma, Patama Singhruck, Dodo Gunawan, Edvin Aldrian: Performance evaluation of RegCM4 in simulating Extreme Rainfall and Temperature Indices over the CORDEX-Southeast Asia Region. ''International Journal of Climatology'', ''under revision''.
January 03, 2016, at 07:45 PM EST
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Đã thêm các dòng số 116-117:
# Ngô Thị Thanh Hương, Ngô Đức Thành, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Hạnh, 2015: Phân tích đặc điểm mùa mưa và mùa gió mùa trên khu vực Tây Nguyên và khả năng dự báo. Hội thảo Khoa học Khí tượng Cao không lần thứ VIII. 389-394.
December 18, 2015, at 07:08 AM EST
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Đã xóa bỏ dòng số 15:
Đã thêm các dòng số 21-22:
# Hotaek Park, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Kazuhiro Oshima, Youngwook Kim, '''T. Ngo-Duc''', John S. Kimball, Daqing Yang: Quantification of warming climate-induced changes in the terrestrial Arctic river ice thickness and phenology. ''Journal of Climate'', ''accepted.''